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KJ 106 cultural fluidity

New digital issue available to download.

Diving into the flow and blend of cultures across borders. From Japonisme to Pokémon, modern diaspora to WWII internment, Sakamoto to Elvis in Noh, and mochiron, the ubiquitous vending machine, contributors illuminate the theme through a mix of essays, poetry, photography, and illustrations. Part II – issue 108 – late 2024.

KJ 106

Kyoto Journals latest issue – Cultural Fluidity – out soon as beautifully designed PDF.

A look at how of the centuries both cultural quirks and respected ritual has flowed into, out of, and even returned transformed to Japan. Including some often mysterious emojis..

les yokai

Cross-cultural fusion of Hans Christian Andersen and yokai in Kyoto.

Really pleased to contribute endpapers to the fourth Little Soldier Stories volume for Seuil. Due 2024-25.

Using figurines, the unique storytelling approach drops the action into the heart of ancient Gion, while still remaining faithful to the heart of HCA’s poignant tale of stoicism in love.


Colour completed on Next-Gen (greed). Fourth in seven part ‘deadly sins’ graphic novella series. Line work on Nothing to Do (sloth) done; colouring to begin shortly.

2024 IMC Echizen

Honoured to have Yokai 2 chosen for International Mokuhanga Conference juried exhibition in Echizen. 4-8 April 2024

The triennial … brings together printmakers, academicians, researchers and materials/tool makers. [It] offers a forum for international discussion, and a way for people from different disciplines and different countries to share ideas about this exciting technique, rooted in history, but evolving in new directions that reflect the ideas of contemporary artists.

gone to press 

After 6 months of respectful meticulous consultation and design, When the World was Soft done and uploaded for printing. Thank you beyond words to editor Erica Wagner, designer Sandra Nobes and the team at Allen & Unwin. The patience with detail and collaborative approach so appreciated and such a pleasure. The resulting book everything aimed for from the start but more. Look forward to holding the hard copy – and the journey to release in April.

analogue days

As AI seeps into every corner of life, not least illustration, weekly days in the mokuhanga – 木版画 – studio are a respite, inspiration and ever humbling. The carving muscle memory from decades past remains, yet so too does the challenge of decades ahead to truly master – if ever – printing.

Triptych that can be divided into three individual prints finished – bridging imagery of personal vision with resonance for the viewer. Reductive discipline of monochrome. Lack of ctrl alt Z..

LUME looming

Great to see The Age article on Connection immersive experience, opening 23 June, Melbourne.

143 high-definition projectors will display artworks across 3000sqm of gallery space.

‘A lot of people like Aboriginal art because it is colourful or pretty, but … are quite challenged by Aboriginal art too, by not knowing or understanding how to interpret it or not feeling like they have permission to be involved. Connection is just so inclusive‘.